Unexpected Maths: Finding maths where you'd least expect it.

 An exploration of of various maths topics that appear in the most unexpected of places, and what they can teach us about the fascinating world we live in.

I have a blog?

Hey everyone!

No, I've not forgotten about you.

I'm gonna try and blog again, at least semi-regularly. I've had a bit of a change of direction kind of idea, but rest assured, the blog will still have Unexpected Maths at its core.

Changes, they're a-coming…

Here's a lowdown of some changes I have in mind:

  1. I'm going to try and post at least once a month, regularly. It's not as frequently as I used to, no, but burnout is a real thing and I've certainly suffered it with this blog at the week frequency level. As such I'm going to be moving towards slightly longer posts, at least once a month. I'll likely post towards the end of the month, which still gives me all of August to write my first proper post back.

  2. Content will come from a wider area of interest. I'll still have maths hidden in there amongst it all- the core of this blog isn't going anywhere- but using it to link other, unexpected areas of the world together sounds fun too.

  3. My circumstances have changed. In particular, since I last posted, my health has gotten waaaaaaay worse. As such I need to focus on myself first and foremost, so if I miss a post or similar, that's why, and I'll be back on track as soon as I can.

  4. I'm still doing my Master's (by research)! It was meant to end in September but it's possible that it may extend until December to give me some more time because of my health issues. As such that's gonna have to be a priority.

  5. Luckily, my master's gives me an excuse to talk about some wonderful mathematics on this blog, so expect some wild posts about that in future.

  6. The Content series are staying, but they aren't coming linearly. I found myself getting too burned out focusing on only Graph Theory for several posts, so instead I'mma jump around and add to a series when I have a post ready for it. As such, we'll be starting a few more series very soon…

Overall, I think this is gonna be a fun experience. To the future! 🥂

Taking a break